How to create New Moon Intentions

by - April 22, 2020

How to create New Moon Intentions

I have been invested in astrology for almost seven years now. I really got into it once I discovered @scorpiomystique on Instagram. I’ve been reading her horoscopes almost daily since the seventh grade and let me tell you, it took me years before I started taking a lot of her advice seriously.
     I’m not quite sure why, but I didn’t start investing my time into full or new moon energies until recently. But I’ve found that it’s a really powerful and encouraging act.

Why should we care about taking part in these energies?

       I’ve learned that creating goals and watching them manifest is ultra rewarding. Specifically what I’m talking about here is utilizing the moon's energy. The moon operates on a cycle, as does pretty much everything in life. This cycle rotates around a wheel of aspirations (as I like to call it). During a new moon, you set your intentions. The world is a clean slate and you begin your process for the month. The full moon is where you reap the benefits of your manifestations and congratulate yourself on how you’ve grown.
      These ideas have really inspired me recently and have helped me to schedule myself around a higher power of routine. Like the seasons, I change and grow with the celestial bodies and I do my best to follow the moon in its waxing and waning. 

Here’s what I’ll cover in this post:

- how to write new moon intentions
- How to follow the moon’s cycle to reap the benefits of your manifestations
- A small ritual to do on a new moon (for my witchy friends out there)

**Alright, before I get into this, I want to share a little disclaimer that I am new to Wicca and the craft so I may get a few things wrong. Also, as I’ve heard/read/experienced from others, wicca practices vary greatly between each person so what I do/believe may be different from someone else’s ways of doing/believing. I’m not here to say that my one way is “correct” over another. I’m just here to offer guidance and aid for those who are interested. Thank you!**

How to write New Moon Intentions

      First, find something to write them on. I use my grimoire/book of shadows as a journey as equally as I use it to jot down information on wicca. Therefore, that’s what I use when I write my new moon intentions. I like to decorate the page with fancy lettering, stars, stickers, and doodles, but really, even a simple and plain sheet of paper will work!
      Once you have your writing materials, title the page. I like to write “new moon intentions (date)” so I can look back on it when the full moon comes around. I also enjoy writing the word intentions because it forces my mind to go “intentions, intent. What do I intend, desire, aspire to manifest this lunar cycle?” 
      Then I make a list. Sometimes I meditate for a while on what I want my monthly goals to look like. Today’s new moon is April 22. The full moon falls on May 7. So between now and May 7, what do I want to achieve? 
      Meditating can take a few minutes. I really want to soak up my intentions and sort through them. I don’t necessarily want my first few ideas to be the ones I write down. I like to think about it.
      It’s also important to think small. The full moon is only about fourteen to fifteen days away. Therefore my goals can’t be too over dramatic. For example, I can’t write “I want to earn $1 million before the full moon” or “I want to own two dogs who end up having puppies so I can re-enact the Airbud: Buddies movie.” That is simply unrealistic.
       Here’s a list of goals I wrote last new moon:

  • I want to spend one hour of my day dedicated to physical activity (dance, walking, yoga, etc)

I want to use my meal planner app more effectively (maybe for 3 meals out of the week)

I want to focus on creating more blog content, writing at least two to four posts a week and creating one newsletter a week

I want to dedicate at least an hour each week to talk to my friends (more would be nice but I’ll aim for an hour)

That’s it! That’s a bit shorter than what I wrote but I felt these were the most useful and abundant. Each one focuses on a different area of my life that I want to improve upon. I then spend fourteen to fifteen days trying to implement these desires into my lifestyle. By the full moon, I reflect and decide what is working and what isn't. (The specifics of the full moon manifestations will be better discussed in a different post). 

Here’s some tips to help you formulate your list:

  • think short term actions to reach long term goals

Be as specific as possible

Choose a way to measure results (I.e. talk to friends for one hour a week)

Focus on areas of your life where you’re seeking improvement

Focus on ways to improve those tough spots

Be mindful of what you can realistically achieve

How to follow the moon’s cycle to reap the benefits of your manifestations

      As I mentioned earlier, the full moon comes about fifteen days from the new moon. The full moon is where you congratulate yourself on how far you’ve come. It’s a space of joy and positive energy. Here, you reflect on your growth and enjoy what has been prosperous. As the moon begins the waning phase, you begin to nurture and focus on these goals, working on both what you’ve accomplished and what has been challenging.
      I’ll have a post dedicated to the full moon and the waning phases later on. For now, just know that the cycle will go back around to the new moon again where you’ll be able to start fresh and renew or alter past intentions or create something entirely different!
      The new moon is all about intent and manifestational desires!

A small ritual to do on a new moon (for my witchy friends out there)

I’ll keep this short and simple:

What you’ll need: candles (4 if you can), a piece of paper, a pen, crystals (like citrine, aventurine, or carnelian)

*Note* citrine represents abundance, aventurine represents new beginnings, and carnelian represents creation

  1. Set up your candles in each cardinal direction. You can also use only one candle and substitute the others with the elements (air-incense, earth-gems or rocks, and water-a cup of water). I sometimes do this. But typically for a new moon ritual, I like to wait til nightfall and set four candles around me.
  2. Call your deities/close a circle: this is just a nice way to get into the ritual, cleanse the space, and add protection for yourself. Do this however you normally would.
  3. Sit in the middle of the candles facing whichever direction is calling to you most. I associate each direction with an element and with a feeling. These are listed below. I face the direction with the feeling I want to manifest. For example, with my above intentions, many focus on personal growth, so I might face North for my ritual. (Additionally! I like to have my crystals present in front of me to either look at or hold during the next step!)
South=fire=energy and ambition

North=earth=material/physical and growth
West=water=emotion and relationships
East=air=intellect and communication

4. Meditate on your intentions for a while. Let your mind focus on what you want to achieve. Also give consideration to what you want to cleanse and what no longer serves you. Both are important.

5. Once you think you have a grasp on your intentions, get out the small piece of paper and pen and write down what you want to manifest. When you’re finished, read them aloud. You can do this as a prayer or a smell or just simply a way to read them to yourself.

6.  Take that note and fold it up. Stash it away somewhere safe where you can use it again on the full moon.

7. Next, take a piece of paper and write down what you want to let go of or cleanse from yourself.

8. Once that is written, burn it. Or, a safer method, cut it up. Discard it in some way. This symbolizes your ability to let go of what holds you back.

9.  When you’re finished, thank your deities and close your circle as normal. I also like to reread my list when I’m finished and tuck it away with my new moon intentions in my grimoire. It's a nice reaffirmation for me.
And there you have it! A simple spell that you can include in your new moon intentions! It’s super helpful and symbolic for me to do and I really enjoy it. I don’t do it every month but it is a nice pick me up!

I hope you found this post helpful! 

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Also, check out my poetry book, The Lights are on but Nobody’s Home, available now on amazon for $6.99!

Disclaimer: All of the views and opinions in this post are solely my own and are not sponsored.

Thanks again

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